Emperor’s Feng Shui Power Walk – October 03, 2024. Feng Shui & Auspicious Day Info.


Today's Emperors Walk Chart Week begin 02-12-2015 Emperors Walk by Feng Shui Master ZhiHai  More Emperor's Walk Info  Today's Auspicious Day Info  Find Your Chinese Zodiac Animal Sign

Week-begin-10-03-2024-Emperors-Feng-Shui-Power-Walk-by-Feng-Shui-Master-ZhiHai.jpgFor information CONTACT ME ON WECHAT:  ZHIHAIFENGSHUIMASTER or send an email to ZHIHAIFS@HOTMAIL.COM.

Click on MORE INFO and follow the charts for this week’s Feng Shui Emperor’s Walk.

Note: We have changed the chart to reflect “regular time”.  Our “walkers” have expressed a preference for this. This week was unusual.

If you wish to receive daily info please email Master ZhiHai

The Emperor’s Power Walk is very simple to do and it will change your life. Just follow these three easy steps.

1) Get your FREE custom map. One map is good forever ( “GET MAP” ).

2) Look up the best direction to take a short effortless 15-minute walk when you first leave your house in the morning (see chart).

3) Go for it.

Read more in the complete post below if you have any questions. REMEMBER to check if you are in Daylight Saving Time or Regular Time.

Need More Info? Read on for complete instructions.

Outdoor feng shui emperors-walk-example

You do the walk when you first leave your house in the morning.

This is important because studies have proven that at night your “Chi” energy diminishes. Imagine your house is the middle of a clock and the hands point to eight different “sectors”  which are like the points on a compass.

By walking in the correct sector first thing in the morning you automatically replenish that Chi for the rest of the day. How do you know which sector and where it is. Simple. look at the FREE map we give you.

You only need to do it once a day. It is simple and does not have to be strenuous. For example, take a look at the chart at the top of this post. It has several time zones based on when you first walk outside.



It’s easy. The above chart shows a full week of walks. Look at the first day as an example… 

EXAMPLE ONLY: Look at the first day on the chart… in this example:

DO walk in the BLUE sectors: …CHECK CHART FOR TIME AND DAY

In this example if you get up and leave your house during the first time period then your very best walk on the first day is in the BLUE/GREEN sections of the chart….that day’s first time period on the chart is N>…. just walk in that sector when you leave> the house (you can get your custom map by clicking  “GET MAP” ). Just walk or drive in the best sectors for the first 15 minutes of the day. Every day, use the direction indicated on the chart.

DON’T walk or drive in the RED Sector

In the above example, between 5-7 AM the red sector (or Dead Door) is <W> which indicates a bad luck direction for that day/time period. If you ever had one of those “bad days” you may have walked in the bad sector when you left your house first thing in the morning. Just follow the chart in the good sectors and don’t walk in the RED bad sectors for the first fifteen minutes of the day.

The Benefits of the Walk

People have helped:

    • Build Businesses

    • Increase Their Immune System

    • Lose weight

    • Get Promotions at work

    • Get Great Jobs

    • Find love Relations

    • Overcome Serious Problems

    • Realize Success in Business

    • Realize Increased Health … and so much more

I know it sounds hard to believe. A simple walk can do all that but this is a 5,000-year-old secret of universal energy and has proven totally effective with my students, clients, and readers. What do you have to lose. Its free. Try it for a week!

No matter what time you get up just look up the appropriate time sector on the chart and take the walk.

If you are new to the Emperor’s Walk you will probably experience a complete change in your sense of power.

I have had students tell me they could feel the moment they stepped out of a sector.

The Emperor’s Walk is often referred to as “Outdoor Feng Shui” and was used by EVERY Emperor of China for the last 5,000 years to assure maximized power, health, and wealth. Unlike Architectural Feng Shui which has to do with structures, outdoor Feng Shui is directly related to forces of nature and the universe. If you are interested this site contains a wealth of knowledge about the walk and its origins.

All Feng Shui practices have the potential to really improve your life. Some other forms I practice are residential Feng Shui , commercial Feng Shui and office Feng Shui .

For more detailed information see “Do the Walk or Frequently Asked Questions

Other Important Daily Information: Is this your Auspicious Day and Why is this so important?

Auspicious Days are based on your birth date and the relationship of that birth date to the universal energy today. Therefore if you know your Chinese astrological birthday sign (animal sign) you can do important things on good auspicious days and leave small things or relaxing on other days.

If you want to check your Chinese Zodiac birthday sign see the chart at the bottom of this post.  You will learn your animal sign and be able to easily understand the information below

General Auspicious Day Info: Any Day. For this week’s auspicious day’s info please contact Zhi Hai

Remember. I am always available to discuss any of these topics with you. Please write me at zhihaifs@hotmail.comGenerally speaking, you can use the below information to get an overview of basic Auspicious day information based on your sign but always pay more attention to Today’s Auspicious Day Info. This information is also good for your daily life organization and planning. In addition to the specialized daily information mentioned above, the below auspicious day information is more generalized for all days and is based on the “Qi Men Dun Jia” black and yellow 12 time zones (奇門遁甲日盤「黃道、黑道十二吉凶時辰」.Every Day has unique levels of energy that affect daily outcomes. Good days, bad days. We have all had them. Or short time periods where things seem to just “click”. Everything’s going great. Almost ALL Chinese people attempt to do important things (like getting married, starting a new job, moving into a new house) on “good” auspicious days and at “good” auspicious times of the day. Here’s how it works. If you do not know your animal sign you can look it up below. Each animal sign has certain days and hours that are NOT auspicious (good) for you. Avoid those days and times by relaxing and staying away from important tasks or responsibilities. For example, if you are a Rat sign and today’s auspicious day is “horse day” (see Today Auspicious day is above) then you should relax today and stay away from important tasks.

  • Zodiac Rabbit: avoid rooster day and rooster hour 5pm—7pm (DLS 6pm—8pm)
  • Zodiac dragon: avoid dog day and dog hour 7pm—9pm (DLS 8pm –10pm)
  • Zodiac snake: avoid pig day and pig hour 9pm—11pm (10pm –12 am)
  • Zodiac horse: avoid rat day and rat hour 12am—1am. 11pm—12am (DLS 12am—2am)
  • Zodiac sheep: avoid cow day and cow hour 1am—3am (DLS 2am—4am)
  • Zodiac monkey: avoid tiger day and tiger hour 3am—5am (DLS 4am—6am)
  • Zodiac rooster: avoid rabbit day and rabbit hour 5am—7am (DLS 6am—8am)
  • Zodiac dog: avoid dragon day and Dragon hour 7am—9am (DLS 8am—10am)
  • Zodiac pig: avoid snake day and snake hour 9am—11am (DLS 10am—12pm)

Here is your 2024-2025 Chinese Zodiac Signs: Chart- Animals of the Chinese Zodiac all years

Note: This is the most accurate zodiac chart available. Most charts only provide a day (not hour). To find your exact animal sign you must check the time and day since there is overlap.

Zodiac Sign Based on Solar Term: (note some minor overlap in minutes).
Find Your Chinese Animal Sign- Look up the year/time you were born (Based on 24-hour clock).
1922-1923: From 22:22 on Feb. 4th 1922 to 3:58 on Feb. 5, 1923 Dog
1923-1924: From 3:59 on Feb. 5, 1923 to 9:57 on Feb. 5, 1924 Pig
1924-1925: From 9:57 on Feb. 5, 1924 to 16:22 on Feb. 4, 1925 Rat
1925-1926: From 16:22 on Feb. 4th, 1925 to 23:14 on Feb. 4, 1926 Ox
1926-1927: From 22:14 on Feb. 4, 1926 to 3:34 on Feb. 5, 1927 Tiger
1927-1928: From 3:34 on Feb. 5, 1927 to 9:15 on Feb. 5, 1928 Rabbit
1928-1929: From 9:15 on Feb. 5, 1928 to 15:19 on Feb. 4, 1929 Dragon
1929-1930: From 15:19 on Feb. 4, 1929 to 20:59 on Feb. 4 1930 Snake
1930-1931: From 20:59 on Feb. 4, 1930 to 2:41 on Feb. 5, 1931 Horse
1931-1932: From 2:41 on Feb. 5, 1931 to 8:26 on Feb. 5, 1932 Sheep
1932-1933: From 8:26 on Feb. 5, 1932 to 14:55 on Feb. 4th, 1933 Monkey
1933-1934: From 14:55 on Feb. 4th, 1933 to 8:04 p.m. on Feb. 4, 1934 Rooster
1934-1935: From 20:04 on Feb. 4th 1934 to 2:54 on Feb. 5, 1935 Dog
1935-1936: From 2:54 on Feb. 5, 1935 to 7:39 on Feb. 5, 1936 Pig
1936-1937: From 7:39 on Feb. 5, 1936 to 13:26 on Feb. 4, 1937 Rat
1937-1938: From 13:26 on Feb. 4, 1937 to 19:16 on Feb. 4, 1938 Ox
1938-1939: From 19:16 on Feb. 4th 1938 to 1:22 on Feb. 5, 1939 Tiger
1939-1940: From 1:22 on Feb. 5, 1939 to 7:03 on Feb. 5, 1940 Rabbit
1940-1941: From 7:03 on Feb. 5, 1940 to 12:53 on Feb. 4, 1941 Dragon
1941-1942: From 12:53 on Feb. 4, 1941 to 18:46 on Feb. 4th, 1942 Snake
1942-1943: From 18:46 on Feb. 4, 1942 to 0:41 on Feb. 5, 1943 Horse
1943-1944: From 0:41 on Feb. 5, 1943 to 6:22 on Feb. 5, 1944 Sheep
1944-1945: From 6:22 on Feb. 5, 1944 to 12:16 on Feb. 4, 1945 Monkey
1945-1946: From 12:16 on Feb. 4, 1945 to 18:11 on Feb. 4th, 1946 Rooster
1946-1947: From 18:11 on Feb. 4th, 1946 to 23:58 on Feb. 4, 1947 Dog
1947-1948: From 23:58 on Feb. 4, 1947 to 5:49 on Feb. 5, 1948 Pig
1948-1949:`From 5:49 on Feb. 5, 1948 to 11:30 on Feb. 4, 1949 Rat
1949-1950: From 11:30 on Feb. 4, 1949 to 17:22 on Feb. 4, 1950 Ox
1950-1951: From 17:22 on Feb. 4, 1950 to 23:12 on Feb. 4th, 1951 Tiger
1951-1952: From 23:12 on Feb. 4th, 1951 to 4:59 on Feb. 5, 1952 Rabbit
1952-1953: From 4:59 on Feb. 5, 1952 to 10:49 on Feb. 4, 1953 Dragon
1953-1954: From 10:49 on Feb. 4, 1953 to 16:39 on Feb. 4th, 1954 Snake
1954-1955: From 16:39 on Feb. 4, 1954 to 22:18 on Feb. 4, 1955 Horse
1955-1966: From 22:18 on Feb. 4th, 1955 to 4:10 on Feb. 5, 1956 Sheep
1956-1957: From 4:10 on Feb. 5, 1956 to 9:58 on Feb. 4, 1957 Monkey
1957-1958: From 9:58 on Feb. 4, 1957 to 15:56 on Feb. 4, 1958 Rooster
1958-1959: From 15:56 on Feb. 4, 1958 to 21:46 on Feb. 4th, 1959 Dog
1959-1960: From 21:46 on Feb. 4, 1959 to 3:24 on Feb. 5, 1960 Pig
1960-1961: From 3:24 on Feb. 5, 1960 to 9:26 on Feb. 4, 1961 Rat
1961-1962: From 9:26 on Feb. 4, 1961 to 15:16 on Feb. 4th 1962 Ox
1962-1963: From 15:16 on Feb. 4, 1962 to 21:08 on Feb. 4th, 1963 Tiger
1963-1964: From 21:08 on Feb. 4th, 1963 to 3:06 on Feb. 5, 1964 Rabbit
1964-1965: From 3:06 on Feb. 5, 1964 to 8:49 on Feb. 4, 1965 Dragon
1965-1966: From 8:49 on Feb. 4, 1965 to 14:45 on Feb. 4, 1966 Snake
1966-1967: From 14:45 on Feb. 4th, 1966 to 20:24 on Feb. 4, 1967 Horse
1967-1968: From 20:24 on Feb. 4, 1967 to 2:17 on Feb. 5, 1968 Sheep
1968-1969: From 2:17 on Feb. 5, 1968 to 8:09 on Feb. 4, 1969 Monkey
1969-1970: From 9:08 on Feb. 4, 1969 to 13:33 on Feb. 4th, 1970 Rooster
1970-1971: From 13:33 on Feb. 4th 1970 to 19:32 on Feb. 4 1971 Dog
1971-1972: From 19:32 on Feb. 4, 1971 to 1:28 on Feb. 5, 1972 Pig
1972-1973: From 1:28 on Feb. 5, 1972 to 7:20 on Feb. 4, 1973 Rat
1973-1974: From 7:20 on Feb. 4, 1973 to 13:03 on Feb. 4, 1974 Ox
1974-1975: From 13:03 on Feb. 4, 1974 to 18:52 on Feb. 4, 1975 Tiger
1975-1976: From 18:52 on Feb. 4, 1975 to 0:44 on Feb. 5, 1976 Rabbit
1976-1977: From 0:44 on Feb. 5, 1976 to 6:37 on Feb. 4, 1977 Dragon
1977-1978: From 6:37 on Feb. 4, 1977 to 12:14 on Feb. 4, 1978 Snake
1978-1979: From 12:14 on Feb. 4, 1978 to 18:13 on Feb. 4th, 1979 Horse
1979-1980: From 18:13 on Feb. 4, 1979 to 0:11 on Feb. 5, 1980 Sheep
1980-1981: From 0:11 on Feb. 5, 1980 to 6:01 on Feb. 4, 1981 Monkey
1981-1982: From 6:01 on Feb. 4, 1981 to 11:52 on Feb. 4, 1982 Rooster
1982-1983: From 11:52 on Feb. 4, 1982 to 17:45 on Feb. 4, 1983 Dog
1983-1984: From 17:45 on Feb. 4, 1983 to 23:29 on Feb. 4, 1984 Pig
1984-1985: From 23:29 on Feb. 4, 1984 to 9:09 on Feb. 4, 1985 Rat
1985-1986: From 5:09 on Feb. 4, 1985 to 11:14 on Feb. 4, 1986 Ox
1986-1987: From 11:14 on Feb. 4, 1986 to 16:51 on Feb. 4, 1987 Tiger
1987-1988: From 16:51 on Feb. 4th, 1987 to 22:52 on Feb. 4th, 1988 Rabbit
1988-1989: From 22:52 on Feb. 4, 1988 to 4:35 on Feb. 4, 1989 Dragon
1989-1990: From 4:35 on Feb. 4, 1989 to 10:10 on Feb. 4, 1990 Snake
1990-1991: From 10:10 on Feb. 4, 1990 to 16:19 on Feb. 4th, 1991 Horse
1991-1992: From 16:19 on Feb. 4th, 1991 to 21:53 on Feb. 4th, 1992 Sheep
1992-1993: From 21:53 on Feb. 4th, 1992 to 3:40 on Feb. 4, 1993 Monkey
1993-1994: From 3:40 on Feb. 4, 1993 to 9:30 on Feb. 4, 1994 Rooster
1994-1995: From 9:30 on Feb. 4, 1994 to 15:23 on Feb. 4th, 1995 Dog
1995-1996: From 15:23 on Feb. 4, 1995 to 21:13 on Feb. 4th, 1996 Pig
1996-1997: From 9:13 p.m. on Feb. 4, 1996 to 3:00 on Feb. 4, 1997 Rat
1997-1998: From 3:00 on Feb. 4, 1997 to 8:47 on Feb. 4, 1998 Ox
1998-1999: From 8:47 on Feb. 4, 1998 to 14:42 on Feb. 4, 1999 Tiger
1999-2000: From 14:42 on Feb. 4, 1999 to 20:31 on Feb. 4, 2000 Rabbit
2000-2001: From 20:31 on Feb. 4, 2000 to 2:21 on Feb. 4, 2001 Dragon
2001-2002: From 2:21 on Feb. 4, 2001 to 8:10 on Feb. 4, 2002 Snake
2002-2003: From 8:10 on Feb. 4, 2002 to 14:02 on Feb. 4th 2003 Horse
2003-2004: From 14:02 on Feb. 4, 2003 to 19:51 on Feb. 4th, 2004 Sheep
2004-2005: From 19:51 on Feb. 4, 2004 to 1:29 on Feb. 4, 2005 Monkey
2005-2006: From 1:29 on Feb. 4, 2005 to 7:23 on Feb. 4, 2006 Rooster
2006-2007: From 7:25 on Feb. 4, 2006 to 13:14 on Feb. 4, 2007 Dog
2007-2008: From 13:14 p.m. on Feb. 4, 2007 to 19:00 on Feb. 4, 2008 Pig
2008-2009: From 7:00 p.m. on Feb. 4, 2008 to 0:45 on Feb. 4, 2009 Rat

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